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Social exclusion and homelessness: What the critical gerontological perspective offers

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., and Sussman, T. (2022). Chapter five: Social exclusion and homelessness: What the critical gerontological perspective offers. In S. Torres and S. Donnelly (Eds.), Critical Gerontology for Social Workers (pp. 66-80). Bristol, Policy Press.
Publication year: 2022

Recognizing precarity? A comparative analysis of governmental documents in provincial and federal administrations

Journal Articles
Marier, P., Grenier, A., Kobayashi, K., Rudman, D., Garcia-Poulin, Y., Hatzifilalithis, S., and Phillipson, C. (2022). Recognizing precarity? A comparative analysis of governmental documents in provincial and federal administrations. Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada, 1-17. https://doi: 10.1111/capa.12457
Publication year: 2022

Late life homelessness: Experiences of disadvantage and unequal aging

Grenier, A. (2021). Late life homelessness: Experiences of disadvantage and unequal aging. McGill Queens University Press.
Publication year: 2022

Digital ageism: Challenges and opportunities from Artificial Intelligence for older adults

Journal Articles
Chu, C., Nyrup, R., Leslie, K., Shi, J., Bianchi, A., Lyn, A., McNichol, M., Khan, S., Rahimi, S., and Grenier, A. (2022). Digital ageism: Challenges and opportunities from Artificial Intelligence for older adults. The Gerontologist, 62(7), 947-955.
Publication year: 2022

Ageism and artificial intelligence: Protocol for a scoping review

Journal Articles
Chu, C.H, Leslie, K., Shi, J., Nyrup, R., Bianchi, A., Khan, S., Rahimi, S., Lyn, A., Grenier, A., (2022). Ageism and artificial intelligence: Protocol for a scoping review. JMIR Research Protocols, Vol 11, No 6, [Open Access]
Publication year: 2022

Urbanisation and ageing: Ageism, inequality and the future of ‘Age-Friendly’ cities

Journal Articles
Phillipson, C., & Grenier, A. (2021). Urbanisation and ageing: Ageism, inequality and the future of ‘Age-Friendly’ cities. In Goldman, M and Higgs, P. Ageism. Special Issue of the University of Toronto Quarterly,90(2), 227-243.
Publication year: 2021

The Research Compensation Series

KMb Info Sheets
Grenier, A., Kobayashi, K., Imahori, D., Burke, E.,Chohan, F.
Publication year: 2021

Special Issue. Precarity in Later Life: Understanding Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience

Journal Articles
Gonyea, J., and Grenier, A. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue. Precarity in Later Life: Understanding Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging, Vol 45 (2),
Publication year: 2021

Social isolation in later life: The Importance of Place, Disadvantage and Diversity

Journal Articles
Grenier, A., Burke, E., Currie, G., Watson, S., & Ward, J. (2021). Social isolation in later life: The Importance of Place, Disadvantage and Diversity. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 1-26.
Publication year: 2021

Precarity in later life: Understanding Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience

Journal Articles
Gonyea, J., and Grenier, A. (2021). Precarity in later life: Understanding Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience. Invited Article for the Special Issue of Generations Journal, 45(2).
Publication year: 2021

Le sans-abrisme à l’âge de la vieillesse: “C’est vraiment une surcharge de ségrégation sociale!”.

Journal Articles
Grenier, A., & Sussman, T. (2021). Le sans-abrisme à l’âge de la vieillesse: “C’est vraiment une surcharge de ségrégation sociale!”. Retraite et société, 85, 123-147.
Publication year: 2021

Supporting older homeless person’s positive relocations to long-term care: Service provider views

Journal Articles
Sussman, T., Barken, R., Grenier, A. (2020). Supporting older homeless person’s positive relocations to long-term care: Service provider views. The Gerontologist. Pre-print online version: Online January 2, 2020.
Publication year: 2020
Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Re-reading frailty through a lens of precarity: An explication of care politics and vulnerability

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., (2020). Re-reading frailty through a lens of precarity: An explication of care politics and vulnerability. In Grenier, Phillipson and Settersten (Eds). Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life. Bristol, Policy Press, (69-90).
Publication year: 2020
Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Grenier A., Phillipson, C., and Settersten, R. (Eds.) (2020). Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life. Bristol, Policy Press.
Publication year: 2020

Mental health among racialized and ethnic minority older people

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., and Ojembe, B. (2020). Mental health among racialized and ethnic minority older people. In R. Moodley & E. Lee (Eds.), Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Mental Health (pp. 301-313). London, Routledge.
Publication year: 2020