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Late life homelessness: Experiences of disadvantage and unequal aging

Grenier, A. (2021). Late life homelessness: Experiences of disadvantage and unequal aging. McGill Queens University Press.
Publication year: 2022
Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Grenier A., Phillipson, C., and Settersten, R. (Eds.) (2020). Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life. Bristol, Policy Press.
Publication year: 2020
Aging, Meaning and Social Structure

Ageing, meaning and social structure: Connecting critical and humanistic gerontology.

Baars J., Dohmen J., Grenier, A., & Phillipson, C. (Eds.). (2013; 2014, pbk reprint). Ageing, meaning and social structure: Connecting critical and humanistic gerontology. Bristol: Policy Press.
Publication year: 2013
Transitions and the Lifecourse

Transitions and the lifecourse: Contested models of ‘growing old’

Grenier, A. (2012). Transitions and the lifecourse: Contested models of ‘growing old’. Bristol: Policy Press (Ageing and the Lifecourse Series).
Publication year: 2012
Vieillir au Pluriel

Vieillir au pluriel. Perspectives sociales.

Charpentier, M., Guberman, N., Billette, V., Lavoie, J.-P., Grenier, A., & Olazabal, I. (Eds.). (2010; 2011, reprint). Vieillir au pluriel. Perspectives sociales. Quebec: Presses Universitaires du Québec.
Publication year: 2010