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Social exclusion and homelessness: What the critical gerontological perspective offers

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., and Sussman, T. (2022). Chapter five: Social exclusion and homelessness: What the critical gerontological perspective offers. In S. Torres and S. Donnelly (Eds.), Critical Gerontology for Social Workers (pp. 66-80). Bristol, Policy Press.
Publication year: 2022
Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life

Re-reading frailty through a lens of precarity: An explication of care politics and vulnerability

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., (2020). Re-reading frailty through a lens of precarity: An explication of care politics and vulnerability. In Grenier, Phillipson and Settersten (Eds). Precarity and Aging: Understanding changing forms of risk and vulnerability in later life. Bristol, Policy Press, (69-90).
Publication year: 2020

Mental health among racialized and ethnic minority older people

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., and Ojembe, B. (2020). Mental health among racialized and ethnic minority older people. In R. Moodley & E. Lee (Eds.), Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Mental Health (pp. 301-313). London, Routledge.
Publication year: 2020

Aging and disability: The paradoxical positions of the chronological life course

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., Griffin, M., and McGrath, C. (2020). Aging and disability: The paradoxical positions of the chronological life course. In Aubrecht, K., Kelly, C. & Rice, C. (Eds.), The Aging/Disability Nexus (pp. 11-27). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Publication year: 2020
The ever-breaking wave of everyday life: animating ageing movement-space

The ever-breaking wave of everyday life: animating ageing movement-space.

Book Chapters
Andrews, G. and Grenier, A. (2018). The ever-breaking wave of everyday life: animating ageing movement-space. In S. Katz (Ed.), Ageing and Everyday Life: Materialities and Embodiments. (66-82). Bristol: Policy Press.
Publication year: 2018

Perspectives critiques en vue d’un programme durable pour les environments sociaux

Book Chapters
Grenier, A. (2018). Perspectives critiques en vue d’un programme durable pour les environments sociaux. D Piche and S Lord. «Milieux de vie et vieillissement de la population». (25-38). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Publication year: 2018
The ever-breaking wave of everyday life: animating ageing movement-space

Aging bodies, driving and change: Exploring older body-driver fit in the high-tech automobile

Book Chapters
Gish, J., Grenier, A., & Vrkljan, B. (2018). Aging bodies, driving and change: Exploring older body-driver fit in the high-tech automobile. In S. Katz (Ed.), Ageing and Everyday Life: Materialities and Embodiments. (145-162). Bristol: Policy Press.
Publication year: 2018
Sociology of Health & Illness Monograph

Precarity in late life: Rethinking dementia as a ‘frailed’ old age

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., Lloyd, L., and Phillipson, C. (Sept 2017). Precarity in late life: Rethinking dementia as a ‘frailed’ old age. In Higgs, P., and Gilleard, C. (2017). Ageing, dementia and the social mind. 23rd Sociology of Health & Illness Monograph. (142-154). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Publication year: 2017
Reimagining the Human Service Relationship

Risk, trust, and the complex sentiments of enacting care.

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., and Flood, C. (2016). Risk, trust, and the complex sentiments of enacting care. In J F. Gubrium, T.A. Andreassen, & P.K. Solvang (Eds.). Reimagining the human service relationship. (195-219). New York: Columbia University Press.
Publication year: 2016
Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology

Transitions and time

Book Chapters
Grenier, A. (2015). Transitions and time. In J. Twigg & Wendy Martin (Eds.), Handbook of cultural gerontology (pp. 404–410). London: Routledge.
Publication year: 2015
Aging, Meaning and Social Structure

Rethinking agency in late life: structural and interpretive approaches

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., & Phillipson, C. (2013; pbk reprint 2014). Rethinking agency in late life: structural and interpretive approaches. In J. Baars, J. Dohmen, A. Grenier, & C. Phillipson, (Eds.), Ageing, meaning and social structure: Connecting critical and humanistic gerontology (pp. 55-79). Bristol: Policy Press.
Publication year: 2013
Vieillir au Pluriel

Âge, vieillesse, vieillissement: Définitions controversées de l’âge.

Book Chapters
*Grenier, A., & Ferrer, I. (2010). Âge, vieillesse, vieillissement: Définitions controversées de l’âge. Dans M. Charpentier, N. Guberman, V. Billette, J. P. Lavoie, A. Grenier, & I. Olazabal (Eds.), Vieillir au pluriel. Perspectives sociales (pp. 35-54). Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Publication year: 2010
Vieilles, et apres!

Les femmes âgées et la fragilité: La résistance face aux pratiques de soins de santé et de services sociaux.

Book Chapters
Grenier, A. (2009). Les femmes âgées et la fragilité: La résistance face aux pratiques de soins de santé et de services sociaux. Dans M. Charpentier & A. Quéniart (Eds.), Vieilles, et après ! Femmes, vieillissement et société (pp. 249-269). Montréal: Éditions du Remue-ménage.
Publication year: 2009
Foucault and Aging

Interpersonal acts within organisational practices: Foucault meets Freud.

Book Chapters
Grenier, A., & Leonard, P. (2006). Interpersonal acts within organisational practices: Foucault meets Freud. In J. L. Powell & A. Wahidin (Eds.), Foucault and aging (pp. 101-113). New York: Nova Science.
Publication year: 2006
Social Work in a Corporate Era

Older women negotiating uncertainty in everyday life: Contesting risk management systems.

Book Chapters
Grenier, A. (2004). Older women negotiating uncertainty in everyday life: Contesting risk management systems. In L. Davies & P. Leonard (Eds.), Social Work in a corporate era: Practices of power and resistance (pp. 111-127). Aldershot: Ashgate
Publication year: 2004